resilient mind transparent background

Emily Pegram, MS, LCMHC


(Serving individuals aged 18+)


LGBTQIA2s+ | Gender Expansive Identities | Neurodiversity | Life Transitions | People Pleasing | Body Image & Fat Liberation| Anxiety | Depression
Emily Pegram, MS, LCMHC-A

“I believe in kindness. Also in mischief. Also in singing, especially when singing is not necessarily prescribed.”
~ Mary Oliver

Get in touch with Emily Pegram, MS, LCMHC

Insurances Accepted: AETNA, BCBS

Rates / Fees:
$175 Initial Intake Appointment
$150 60-Minute Session
Limited $100 – $150 Sliding Scale Sessions

(Serving individuals age 18+)


I provide mental health counseling and therapy to help with:

  • LGBTQIA2s+
  • Neurodiversity
  • Life Transitions & Identity Exploration
  • People Pleasing & Boundary Setting
  • Body Image & Fat Liberation
  • Young Adulthood (Ages 18-25)
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

My Approach & Philosophy

The world tries to squeeze us into predefined boxes. I spent my formative years trying to squeeze myself into those boxes and was continuously frustrated and confused by it all. My journey to therapy started in childhood, from a school therapist, and I have engaged that therapeutic process numerous times ever since. For me, therapy has been a tool for exploring the way I exist with and in the world; a way to practice being vulnerable and embodied; a way to create space for myself in my life. Even through my most recent whirlwind of transitions: a new job, new apartment, new fiancé, questions about my identity and neurodiversity – I returned to therapy.

My winding path toward healing has included EMDR, parts-work, somatic work: all framed by feminist & relational cultural therapy, and all have heavily influenced my work as a professional. I believe and work from a harm reduction lens, integrate tangible skills & creative expressive outlets.

As Queer, Fat, Neurodivergent, anti-capitalist, and abolitionist, my understanding & empathy is informed by my lived experience. I believe in the healing power of two imperfect humans building a bond while navigating this late-stage capitalist hellscape. I strive to decolonize my practice, to move away from individualized forms of healing and embrace a more inclusive, safe, and community-centered approach. If you feel like you are floating, rudderless and looking to begin this journey of self-discovery and healing: I’m here to help. You are worthy, and you deserve to find your people and create the life you envision.’
Beyond the therapy room, you’ll find me embracing my humanness. I love shaking my bones to live music, attending Phish shows with my partners and expressing myself through art. Whether I’m throwing clay on the wheel or collaging, the creative process brings me joy and serves as a source of inspiration. I also prioritize radical self-care and fat liberation embracing the beauty of being unapologetically embodied in public. You might even spot me basking like a lizard in the sun next to the river.

You Deserve to Feel Great. I’m Here to Help.