Counseling Services

It’s Time To Put Yourself First and Move Towards Positive Change

online therapy services in North Carolina

Online Therapy In North Carolina

Resilient Mind Counseling is trying to reduce the barriers to receiving quality mental health counseling in North Carolina. The easier that people can access care, the more likely they are to get the support we all need. Especially from an online therapist who fits their unique needs.

Online therapy allows access from anywhere.  Imagine being able to do your therapy session from your car (not moving, of course), your home, your office, etc.

Pros Of Online Therapy:

There are quite a few benefits to online therapy in North Carolina.

  • Ease of access
  • You can be in a therapy session from anywhere
  • See your online therapist in North Carolina from the comfort of your home
  • If your home doesn’t feel comfortable, you can do therapy from your office, car, etc.
  • Less time that you need to take off from work to travel back and forth to appointments
  • You no longer have to leave work to drive to your Asheville mental health office
  • A more personalized experience
  • HIPAA compliant video calls that protect all of your information
  • Protecting your health information is important to us.  For this reason, we ensure that you feel safe and secure.
  • Email and text reminders with your links already included. Just like a Zoom session but better!
  • Additionally, show up in your pajamas, your comfy clothes, and ensure that you get the most out of your appointment
  • Consequently, Research shows that teletherapy is equally if not more effective to support growth, change, and healing

Neurodivergent Therapy Services

ADHD, Autistic, Dyslexic? We get it!  Neurodivergent Therapy is our jam! People with neurodivergence don’t always feel like they belong, especially in a “neurotypical world.”

The truth is that your brain works differently.  You absorb energy differently and your sensory system has different needs.  As a result, there might be an increase in miscommunication and misunderstanding. Subsequently, it can lead to social struggles and feeling misunderstood. It can also lead to feelings of depression, increased anxiety, and feelings of loneliness.

Almost all of our therapists identify as neurodivergent.  We get it.  There is no need to re-tell your story here.  

Neurodivergent Therapy

Take the first step towards transformation


LGBTQIA2+ Therapy

There are several reasons you might be looking for LGBTQIA+ therapy. First, Your identity is important but it can also feel like a source of great pain and disconnection from the weight of years of shame and fear of ridicule. Second, sometimes you feel alienated, put out, and treated less than in your family or friend group. Maybe you’re starting to embrace your sexual orientation and you’re feeling confused, conflicted, and embarrassed. You deserve to have someone in your corner that truly listens and understands and reminds you that there is nothing wrong with you.

Maybe you’ve been coping with internalized hatred with your identity with self-harm behavior. You’ve maybe been abandoned by family members and close friends or are scared you will be and are grappling with your own sense of self-worth and connection. You sometimes wonder, is it worth it to be who I am?

Our LGBTQ therapists in Asheville, NC are well versed in helping the LGBTQIA2+ community and not just due to inclusivity training. For example, many of our clinicians identify and have experienced life dealing with their own dismissive family members. We’re here to help you find confidence in your own identity, live your best life, and will help to empower you to love all parts of yourself.

You don’t have to hide your experiences or suffer in silence anymore. You may feel like it’s not OK or SAFE to take up space. Society tells you that if you look different than the status quo, you don’t belong or that you’re not worthy of support. Our multicultural counselors understand. We know that sometimes it feels safer to handle “problems” alone or in the family. Additionally, we know that it’s a struggle to find quality BIPOC mental health resources. 

As part of the BIPOC community do any of the following resonate with you?

  • Feelings of being alone, scared, or fearful all the time
  • You’re concerned for your family every time they go out in public. Meaning you have to talk with your kids about how to “act” in public to be safe
  • Working 100000x harder than everyone else to move through this world. As well as gain recognition and “belong”. Which is FUCKING EXHAUSTING
  • You’ve been discriminated against due to the color of your skin
  • At work you’ve been passed up for promotions or overlooked
  • You feel like it’s unsafe to show your true colors, personality, and authentic voice

    Self-care is not a selfish act and it certainly doesn’t make you weak. Resilient Mind Counseling knows that BIPOC communities don’t always have equal access to care. Additionally, it can feel like they can’t talk about their problems with strangers. We want to change that with our multicultural counseling. So it is tailored to YOUR experiences

BIPOC Counseling

Take the first step towards transformation

Complex PTSD Childhood Trauma - Resilient Mind Counseling

Complex PTSD (Childhood Trauma)

Are you someone who holds yourself to unrealistic standards? Do you sometimes find yourself feeling let down by others for not meeting your expectations? When you try something new do you shut down when you can’t figure it out? Is it really hard to feel connected in relationships? 

Do you tend to get really excited in new relationships and then find yourself feeling distant and disconnected? Childhood trauma and adverse experience usually results in Complex PTSD. How we grow up has a significant impact on our development as adults and adolescents. As children, if we aren’t given what we need we can really struggle with our sense of worthiness and in relationships. That can manifest as feeling codependent, unworthy of love, shameful when things don’t go our way, overly anxious all the time, perfectionistic, or maybe like you don’t feel like you can show your emotions at all. We work from an attachment focused perspective which means we believe that our struggles are impacted by our ability or inability to have healthy, secure relationships. We can help you navigate these struggles and find peace within yourself and the ability to have healthy connections.

Men’s Issues

Society tends to tell men that they aren’t allowed to feel emotions other than anger. You may have been brought up to “pull yourself up by your boots” or “suck it up.”

Sometimes it may feel like a struggle to communicate in a way that doesn’t result in frustration or the ability to control your emotions. Men struggle. That’s a fact of life regardless of whether you’d like to admit it. We understand that society puts a lot of pressure on you to act a certain way. Here at Resilient Mind Counseling we’ll help you better understand your emotions so that you can begin to live a life that feels fulfilling and connected instead of isolated and lonely.

Mood Disorder Counseling Asheville

Frequently Asked Questions

Therapy can be vulnerable and new, so it’s natural to be nervous. It can be scary to think of opening up or crying in front of someone new, perhaps fearing that it will be awkward and uncomfortable. The fear around that can feel overwhelming. Getting the counseling we need can be challenging. And although it’s normal to be nervous, that doesn’t make it feel great. It takes courage to continue getting the help you need.

Therapy is a space where you can be yourself and feel safe from judgment, including feeling nervous. We’re committed to finding a way to care for your nervousness and ensure sessions are as comfortable as possible.

We’re here if you want to talk about it during a free phone consultation.

Take your time to read through this website. If you sense that we may be a good fit based on what you are reading, you can call us.

During a free phone consultation, you can ask one of our therapists about how they have helped other people like you before, ask how they work as a therapist, or any other questions you may have that are specific-to-you. You’ll also be able to tell them what’s up, and you and one of our therapists can decide together how they can help.

It will usually take a couple of sessions to feel comfortable and develop a relationship. During the sessions, you’ll be able to understand how comfortable you feel in sessions. Our approach is not going to work for everyone. What’s most important is that you find someone who you feel is the right fit for you. We can explore that together.

If something feels overwhelming or even terrifying to discuss, that’s actually very normal. It can often feel difficult to talk about some things. During sessions, your therapist will never push you to talk about things that are too painful for you to talk about. They will be there to guide you towards discovering what feels comfortable for you to share. Working at your pace, together you can look at the tough stuff if you’re ready.

You can also share with them that you are nervous to open up about something, and you and your therapist can talk about that too. Whatever is present for you. Whatever you are going through. Bring that to session and you can explore that together.

If you open up, we will not think you are crazy. We will think you are someone who’s very courageous. Many clients have had the same fear (that people would think they are crazy).

Through our own life journeys and working with clients, we know how “normal” your experience is.

You’re not being dramatic or “too much.” Nothing you can say will cause us to judge you.

We know nobody’s perfect. We all struggle. We all suffer in different ways.

Whatever it is you’re going through, we provide a safe space where you can feel heard and supported without judgment.

You might already know that you want to share sensitive information about your loved ones and you don’t want them to find out what you’ve said. So we want you to know that unless there is an imminent danger to yourself or someone else, everything you share is completely confidential.

There is nothing more important than your privacy.

You can rest assured that you can talk about anything without fear of that information getting out.

If you have specific questions about how confidentiality works, you can ask during your free phone consultation or anytime during your work with your therapist.

Overall, you can think of the first session as a structured assessment that helps your therapist get to know you and the challenges that brought you into treatment. They’ll invite you to share more about yourself, and you can also talk about what’s worked or not worked for your mental health in the past.

Some questions that your therapist might ask during a first session include:

  • What brought you to therapy?
  • Have you gone to therapy before? How did that go?
  • What do I need to know about you to understand your current challenges?

You can ask your therapist questions as well. You might be curious about their experience or how future sessions work.

The most important part of a first session is that you see if you feel your therapist is a good fit for you. If you feel supported, seen, and at ease with them, you can discuss if you’d like to meet again.

Take the first step towards transformation