ADHD Therapy in North Carolina

Adhd homework

ADHD is so much more than what people think it is. It’s not the stereotypical “Squirrel,” or “young white boys who are disruptive.”

If you are struggling with the challenges of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) we understand the difficulties you face on a daily basis. At , we offer specialized ADHD therapy services designed to help individuals like you overcome the unique obstacles associated with this Neurotype. Our team of experienced therapists is dedicated to providing comprehensive support, empowering you to lead a fulfilling and successful life. 

Understanding ADHD——– Have you ever felt like you have so many creative ideas, but you can’t follow through with any of them? This can lead to shame, RSD (rejection sensitive dysphoria), and so much more. The reality is that you ARE NOT a failure, but that your interests quickly change, and your brain is designed to pursue the things that stimulate you and give you dopamine. 

Take the first step towards transformation

ADHD is a Neurodevelopmental condition that affects both children and adults.

It is characterized by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that can significantly impact various areas of life, including education, work, relationships, and self-esteem. If you or a loved one are grappling with ADHD, you may find yourself facing a range of challenges, including: 

  1. Difficulty concentrating: One of the hallmarks of ADHD is the struggle to maintain focus on tasks, leading to decreased productivity and a sense of frustration. 2. Impulsivity and poor decision-making: Acting on impulses without considering the consequences can result in impulsive behaviors and poor decision-making, leading to strained relationships and potential legal or financial problems. This is often called the “ADHD- Tax,” and can cause intense shame and RSD (Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria).
  2. Hyperactivity and restlessness: The constant feeling of restlessness can make it challenging to relax, engage in activities that require sustained attention, and maintain a calm demeanor.
  3. RSD (Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria): Intense feelings of rejection, criticism, and sensitivity. This can really be challenging in professional and personal relationships.
  4. Organization and time management difficulties: Managing time and staying organized can be overwhelming for individuals with ADHD, leading to missed deadlines, forgotten appointments, and increased stress levels.
  5. Relationship strain: The symptoms of ADHD can strain relationships with family, friends, and colleagues due to difficulties with communication, forgetfulness, and impulsive behavior.
  6. Low self-esteem: The struggles associated with ADHD can take a toll on one’s self-esteem, leading to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.

Here are some ways that ADHD may impact you:

Hyperfocus: People with ADHD often experience periods of hyperfocus, during which they become deeply absorbed in activities that are interesting or stimulating to them. This intense focus can lead to great productivity and creativity. It can also mean that time becomes challenging or almost impossible to manage, leading you to miss appointments or cause so much anxiety about being late that you end up showing up way too early. People may tell you that you just don’t care, meanwhile, they don’t see how damn hard it is for you to try to “do something that seems so simple.” 

Divergent Thinking: ADHD is associated with a tendency towards divergent thinking, which can manifest as generating multiple ideas, perspectives, and solutions to problems. This creative thinking style can be an asset in fields that require innovation and outside-the-box thinking. 

Passionate Interests: ADHDers often have passionate interests and hobbies that they pursue with enthusiasm and energy. These interests can provide a sense of fulfillment and purpose, driving personal growth and development. These can lead to social struggles, especially when the only thing that your brain can focus on during conversations is your current interest/hobby. 

Spontaneity and Creativity: ADHD is characterized by a propensity for spontaneity and thinking on the fly. This can result in creative problem-solving, adaptability to changing situations, and an ability to thrive in dynamic environments. 

Sensory Seeking: Some ADHDers are sensory seekers, actively seeking out sensory stimulation to regulate their arousal levels. This may involve engaging in activities such as fidgeting, rocking, or seeking out novel sensory experiences. How many times have you been told that you’re disruptive in class?? I know that we can all relate to this. Fidget toys make a world of difference to help you get that energy out. 

Challenges with Executive Functioning: ADHD often involves challenges with executive functions such as organization, time management, and impulse control. It can feel like taks keep coming in, but your “inner office manager cannot figure out where to sort them or delegate them to.” However, these difficulties do not reflect a lack of intelligence or capability, and individuals ADHDers can develop strategies to manage these challenges effectively. 

Emotional Intensity: ADHDers may experience emotions with greater intensity, leading to heightened sensitivity and reactivity. While this can be overwhelming at times, it also means that they are deeply empathetic and passionate individuals. 

Innovative Problem-Solving: ADHD is associated with a flexible thinking style that lends itself to innovative problem-solving approaches. ADHDers may excel in brainstorming sessions, coming up with unconventional solutions to complex problems.

Dementia and parkinson's disease, ADHD, composition for head disease theme

At Resilient Mind Counseling…

we take a strengths-based approach to ADHD and recognize that while there are challenges associated with the condition, there are also many strengths and positive attributes that ADHDers possess. Fostering self-acceptance and embracing one’s Neurodivergent identity is an important part of ADHD affirmation. 

Here are ways that ADHD Affirming Therapy can help: 

Honoring Neurodivergent Thinking: ADHD Affirming Therapy embraces the unique ways in which neurodivergent brains function, recognizing ADHD as a valid and valuable way of experiencing the world. 

Creating a Supportive Environment: Neurodivergent therapists provide a safe and understanding space where clients can express themselves freely, without fear of judgment or stigma. This nurturing atmosphere fosters trust and encourages open communication.

Respecting Neurodivergent Needs: Therapy sessions are tailored to accommodate the specific needs of Neurodivergent individuals, including flexible scheduling, breaks as needed, and sensory-friendly environments. 

Using Neuro-Inclusive Language: Our therapists use affirming language that acknowledges the strengths and challenges associated with ADHD without pathologizing or stigmatizing. This language promotes acceptance and understanding. 

Validating Experiences: Clients’ experiences are validated and respected, helping to build self-esteem and confidence. Neurodivergent therapists recognize the validity of ADHD-related struggles and offer support without judgment. 

Developing Coping Strategies: Therapy focuses on developing practical coping strategies to manage ADHD-related symptoms, such as time management techniques, organizational skills, and executive functioning skills. 

Celebrating Hyperfocus and Special Interests: Hyperfocus and special interests are celebrated as valuable aspects of ADHD, providing opportunities for creativity, passion, and engagement. Clients are encouraged to explore and pursue their interests without shame or criticism. 

Building Executive Function Skills: Therapy helps clients strengthen executive function skills, such as planning, prioritizing, and task initiation, through targeted interventions and support.

Start ADHD Therapy in North Carolina With These Steps

At Resilient Mind Counseling in Asheville, NC we understand that asking for help can be hard. Reaching out to an online therapist in North Carolina is a courageous first step. Start your neurodivergent therapy journey with us today by following these steps.

  1. Start by reaching out to us for a free consultation.
  2. Then you can schedule your first appointment with one of our online therapists.
  3. Get the support and understanding you need and deserve!

Other Counseling Services We Offer in North Carolina

Resilient Mind Counseling provides online therapy throughout Durham and North Carolina. For anyone ranging from teens 12+ to adults. Besides neurodivergence, we also specialize in LGBT therapy and BIPOC struggles. Additionally, we provide depression treatmentanxiety treatment, and PTSD treatment. Along with mood disorder treatmentcouples therapy, and marriage counseling! We also have someone to prescribe psychiatric medication in Asheville, NC. First, start by contacting us today!

Take the first step towards transformation