Online Therapy in North Carolina

“When you can talk about your feelings with someone you trust, they become less scary and overwhelming ”

woman smiling virtual therapy

Why start online therapy in North Carolina?

Online therapy allows access from anywhere.  Imagine being able to do your therapy session from your car (not moving, of course), your home, your office, etc. 

Resilient Mind Counseling is trying to reduce the barriers to receiving quality mental health counseling in North Carolina. The easier that people can access care, the more likely they are to get the support we all need. Especially from an online therapist who fits their unique needs.

Online therapy in North Carolina allows access from anywhere. Imagine being able to do your therapy session from your car, your home, your office, etc.

Research shows that online therapy is equally if not more effective. Furthermore, it supports growth, change, and healing.

Pros Of Online Therapy:

There are quite a few benefits to online therapy in North Carolina.

  • Ease of access
  • You can be in a therapy session from anywhere
  • See your online therapist in North Carolina from the comfort of your home
  • If your home doesn’t feel comfortable, you can do therapy from your office, car, etc.
  • Less time that you need to take off from work to travel back and forth to appointments
  • You no longer have to leave work to drive to your Asheville mental health office
  • A more personalized experience
  • HIPAA compliant video calls that protect all of your information
  • Protecting your health information is important to us.  For this reason, we ensure that you feel safe and secure.
  • Email and text reminders with your links already included. Just like a Zoom session but better!
  • Additionally, show up in your pajamas, your comfy clothes, and ensure that you get the most out of your appointment
  • Consequently, Research shows that teletherapy is equally if not more effective to support growth, change, and healing

Misconceptions About Online Therapy:

  • Online therapy isn’t as effective as in-person therapy
    • In contrast, research actually shows that when clients are comfortable in their own surroundings, the quality of the therapy session increases
  • Teletherapy isn’t safe or client information isn’t protected
    • We only use HIPAA compliant and secure software. Thus ensuring that your information stays between you and the online therapist. Which in turn minimizes the risk of data breaches
  • Online therapy isn’t effective with teenagers
    • However,  our younger generation is very accustomed to screen time. Meaning that virtual therapy often allows teens to be more comfortable being open and honest about how they feel.
  • Virtual therapy isn’t effective for psychiatric services
    • On the contrary, virtual therapy actually allows you to get your medication faster. While also ensuring that you don’t miss your valuable appointments
  • Online therapy isn’t effective for family sessions or couple’s therapy
    • It’s easy to all be in the same online therapy room to ensure that we’re all on the same page

Call us today for a free consultation.

a woman smiling online therapy

How does it work? 

Teletherapy is easy.  First, you will receive a link to meet with your online therapist, just like the Zoom calls that we’ve gotten so used to over the last couple of years.  

Then, click the link and you’re in the virtual therapy office.  As long as you have a good wi-fi or cellular connection, you’re good to go!

Get appointment reminders, ease of access to care, and quality therapy.  Getting started today is as easy as calling or texting 828-515-1246.

Resilient Mind Counseling specializes in online therapy throughout Asheville and North Carolina for teens 12+ and adults.  We specialize in anxietytraumaLGBTQIA+ issues, ADHD, BIPOC strugglesdepression, and more.

Healing takes time and asking for help is a courageous first step.  It starts with a click of a button or a phone call.  Start your virtual therapy journey today and get connected to someone who can help you with your mental health goals.

**Please do not drive your car while participating in online therapy**

Ready to Start Online Therapy in North Carolina?

Our online therapists in North Carolina are here to support you from wherever you are in the state. At our Asheville mental health practice, we strive to ensure people have access to quality therapy and psychiatric services in Asheville, NC, or anywhere else in the state. Reaching out to an online therapist can be hard but it takes three steps to get the support you need. 

  1. First, Reach out to us for a free consultation.
  2. Then, Make your first appointment with an online therapist.
  3. Finally, Get support from the comfort of your home.

Our Counseling Services in Asheville, NC.

Our counselors based out of our North Carolina mental health office offer lots of mental health services through Virtual therapy.  These include anxiety treatmentdepression treatmentbipolar disorder treatment, trauma therapy, and PTSD treatment. In order to help strengthen your relationship, we have marriage counseling and couples therapy. If you are struggling with LGBTQ issuesBIPOC struggles, or neurodivergent obstacles we have online therapists who specialize in that as well. Beyond therapy, we also offer psychiatric services.

Take the first step towards transformation