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3 Tips From An Anxiety Therapist in North Carolina

grey & black anxiety treatment near me

As an anxiety therapist in Asheville, NC, I have seen firsthand how anxiety symptoms can feel like hell. Constantly feeling panicky, nervous, overwhelmed, and stressed. In short, it can look like overthinking, overanalyzing, and always thinking about how things could go wrong. Common Anxiety Symptoms As an anxiety therapist, it is hard to narrow down […]

Why You Should Get Therapy For Trauma

an upset woman in military uniform in a therapy session -PTSD treatment

Trauma and PTSD can feel paralyzing, scary, and shaming. Thankfully, you do not have to deal with this alone. Therapy for trauma and PTSD treatment can help you navigate and manage your symptoms. Thus allowing you to be freed from being constantly stuck in fight, flight, or freeze mode all the time. Trauma Affects Daily […]

Treatment for Anxiety

Women seeking therapy for anxiety | Resilient Mind Counseling

Anxiety can feel paralyzing and overwhelming. Thankfully, you do not have to deal with this alone. Therapy treatment for anxiety can help you navigate and manage your symptoms so that you don’t have to feel like you’re constantly stuck in panic mode. Anxiety often shows up as excessive worrying, panic, overthinking, or thinking of the […]

Overcome Trauma By Regulating Your Nervous System

Overcome trauma

Trauma can feel like hell, and sometimes it can feel like you’ll never be able to overcome your trauma. You’re constantly feeling like you’re in fight, flight, or freeze mode, fearful and disconnected. It can come up as feeling like you’re outside your body, feeling numb, and feeling unsafe and alone. You may be having […]

Why You Should Get Treatment for Anxiety

why you should get treatment for anxiety - therapy and counseling

Anxiety can feel paralyzing and overwhelming. Thankfully, you do not have to deal with this alone. Therapy treatment for anxiety can help you navigate and manage your symptoms so that you don’t have to feel like you’re constantly stuck in panic mode. Anxiety often shows up as excessive worrying, panic, overthinking, or thinking of the […]

Trauma and The Nervous System

trauma and the nervous system - therapy for trauma

Trauma and the nervous system are related. Trauma impacts our nervous systems and impacts how we live our lives. Therapy for trauma can help resolve these symptoms and create a better understanding of how to regulate our nervous systems. Think of your nervous system almost like a TSA agent at an airport. It is constantly […]

Different Types Of Trauma

different types of trauma -Therapy for trauma

Trauma comes in all shapes and sizes, and it is sometimes hard to understand the different types of trauma. We work with people who struggle with trauma but don’t know that they’ve experienced it until we discuss their stories in more detail. Trauma therapy helps us not only understand how to manage symptoms but also […]

Anxiety Can Be Positive

positive effects of anxiety nervous at job interview

Anxiety is often looked at as a negative emotion or symptom. In a lot of ways, it can certainly be overwhelming and negatively impact life, but there are also some positive effects of anxiety. Therapy for anxiety can help you channel the positive side of anxious symptoms, as well, and help you better understand how […]

Starting My Practice, What I Wish I Knew

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I wanted to create a simple guide to help you start your ideal private practice. I know that when I was considering leaving my agency behind I was scared, nervous, and very unsure of myself. I had no idea where to start. I met with several colleagues of mine who had graduated before me who […]

Mental Health Strain During Covid

Illustration of a Virus

This is something I’ve written about a couple of times over the last 3 months. I left my physical office space on 3/9/20 and have been doing telehealth in my house since then. While I feel unbelievably grateful to be able to work from home and to maintain my business, it is absolutely exhausting. A different type […]